This performance occurred in conjunction with PDF-Objects Exhibition where “Participating artists are asked to submit a PDF of a text that significantly informs their practice, along with a description of a commonly available object (valued at $20 or less), and instructions on how to sculpturally embed the PDF and object together.” (

“Moving from the hypothetical to the virtual, Khoshooee materializes her PDF-OBJECT in cyberspace. The viewer is directed to feed a folded pink paper-strip of Nora Khan’s exhibition essay, “Moving Past Eyelessness,” an essay which addresses the machinic eye, into the HSTYAIG Money Saving Bank. The bank has two artificial eyes and a mechanical mouth that leads to a compartment. After feeding its face, viewers are instructed to read the PDF on their phone via a QR code. During her live Zoom performance, Khoshooee repeated this collaboration with the machine, where a video feed depicted Khan’s essay fed to Replika, an AI chatbot. This was done in tandem with a portrayal of AR deep-fake videos of the artist, which she does in protest against machinic face recognition.”[2]

[2] Text from New City Art, " Slouching Toward Equitable: PDF-OBJECTS Challenges Internet Hegemony", by Amanda Roach, June 5, 2020 7 AM,